WordPress 2.3.1 released

The update to the 2.3 version of WordPress is now available for download, containing fixes to the previous release. Interestingly, load order for the JavaScript libraries Prototype and JQuery are fixed to prevent compatibility issues, which brings me to my point — why use both libraries?

Prototype and JQuery are not small code libraries, and in a way are frameworks for simplifying client–side scripting. However, many of their uses can be achieved utilizing either of the two libraries, so the need to use them both simultaneously is rather redundant, and may be unnecessary. I think in the next major releases of WordPress, one of these two will be left out.

Inspekt: Sanitize PHP Superglobals

Working with PHP’s $_GET, $_POST, and $_COOKIE can be daunting especially when dealing with various magic quotes configuration, etc. More importantly, these superglobals are also subject to SQL injections and other hack attacks. Good thing there’s Inspekt — a PHP class that puts these variables in a “cage” and sanitizes them. Accessing the specific variables that you need is done through specified methods, returning safer values, containing only what you need.

Regular Expressions for Beginners

I must admit that as a PHP programmer for several years now, I can get away with most PHP functions and libraries, but I’m rather weak with regular expressions. I’d rather code it in some other way not utilizing ereg() or preg_match(). But don’t fret, I tried brushing up on them and these links might be just as useful to you:

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