WordPress MU 1.3 is now out

WordPress MU logo.

The latest multi–user version of WordPress is now out. WordPress MU 1.3 contains several MU–specific changes, as listed by Donncha:

  • Better admin controls for the signup page. It can be disabled in various ways.
  • Upload space functions have been fixed.
  • The signup form is now hidden from search engines which will help avoid certain types of spamming.
  • Profile page now allows you to select your primary blog.
  • Database tables are now UTF-8 from the start.
  • If you’re using virtual hosts, the main blog doesn’t live at /blog/ any more.
  • The WordPress importer now assigns posts to other users on a blog.
  • A taxonomy sync script is included in mu-plugins but commented out. It hasn’t been tested much but if your site has many hundreds of blogs it might be worth spending some time on a test server. Replicate normal traffic patterns and see if the server can cope with the upgrade process. If not, then look at the sync script, uncomment it and iterate over all your blogs with a script.

WordPress MU is the base of the code is used on WordPress.com, and allows anyone to publish their own hosted blog service quite easily.


This may not be entirely related to web 2.0 developers, though its use of ajax and the resulting functionality justifies an entry here on builder2. AjaxAMP is a Winamp plugin that allows you to control a Winamp player in a remote PC, and more importantly, access your music library from anywhere on the web!

Basically, this is music remoting and shoutcasting taken to a higher level. This is not about music piracy or illegal copying of music, but rather listening to your library whenever you need it. I’ve tried the plugin and it works like a charm, though there is still room for improvements. You’ve got to actually try it to appreciate its usefulness.